
Memo to all parents, guardians and students

The purpose of teacher blogs is to inform students and their families of day-to-day learning and activities throughout the school year.  We will continue to communicate learning opportunities and will provide links to online learning resources through these blogs.   Important information related to all school decisions will continue to be emailed to parents/guardians and can also be found on the CBE website (

EMS Construction Technology

The main focus of Construction Technology at Ernest Morrow is to familiarize students with safety in the Construction classroom, and the different materials, hand tools, power tools, equipment and processes used when working with wood, metal and plastic. Students have a file folder which has two forms that are used by the student to track their progress in Construction. Students work through 4 levels of lessons in which all lessons must be passed in order to move on to the next lesson.    To measure student progress regular check-ins will be held in order to get feedback and set goals for improvement. Many check-ins are written into all project lessons. Students are responsible for tracking their own progress through the lessons on the Lesson Tally Form and their daily activities on the Daily Progress Report  kept in their Construction folder.  This hard copy folder is available for viewing by teachers, students and guardians.  Self accessment rubrics are provided for all